Jetpack Compose: IconButton from vector resource


In modern Android development, Jetpack Compose has become a popular toolkit for building user interfaces. It simplifies the UI development process by using a declarative approach, where developers describe how UI elements should look based on the app's state. One useful feature in Jetpack Compose is the ability to use vector resources for displaying icons. In this article, we will break down an Android Kotlin example that demonstrates how to create IconButton elements from vector resources using Jetpack Compose.

This example showcases how to build a basic user interface with buttons containing icons from vector resources. When these buttons are clicked, they update a message on the screen. This project not only highlights the simplicity and flexibility of Jetpack Compose but also emphasizes how easily developers can integrate vector-based icons in their UI.

Main Components of the Code

The code begins with a typical setup for an Android activity using AppCompatActivity. In the onCreate method, Jetpack Compose is initialized with setContent, which allows developers to set the UI for the activity using composable functions. The Scaffold layout, a Jetpack Compose component, is used to provide a basic structure for the app. It includes a top app bar with a title and a section for content that contains the main composable.

The MainContent function is where the core of the UI is defined. This function contains a Column layout that vertically arranges its child elements, centering them horizontally and vertically on the screen. At the top of this column is a Text element that displays a message, which changes when the user interacts with the buttons. The message’s state is handled by the remember function and mutableStateOf, ensuring the UI reacts to state changes.

IconButton Usage

Below the message, the app uses a Row layout to arrange two IconButton elements horizontally, with spacing between them. These buttons are interactive, and when clicked, they trigger changes to the message. Each IconButton contains an Icon, which is loaded using the ImageVector.vectorResource function. This function allows the app to access vector resources—scalable images that can be resized without losing quality.

In this example, two vector resources are used: a mail icon (ic_baseline_mail_24) and a share icon (ic_baseline_share_24). These icons are referenced by their resource IDs, which are automatically generated when the vector assets are added to the project’s res/drawable directory. Each button is associated with a different click event, which updates the message displayed on the screen to either "Mail clicked" or "Share clicked," depending on the button pressed.

The Role of State Management

Jetpack Compose manages UI state automatically. In this example, the message state is defined as a mutable variable using var message by remember { mutableStateOf("") }. This ensures that whenever the state of message changes, Jetpack Compose will automatically recompose the UI to reflect the new state. This reactive nature eliminates the need for manual UI updates, making the code more efficient and easier to maintain.

State management in Compose is crucial because it allows developers to build dynamic and interactive interfaces. By coupling the state (in this case, the message) with user interactions (the button clicks), the UI remains synchronized with the underlying data.

Customizing UI with Modifiers

Modifiers in Jetpack Compose are essential tools for customizing the appearance and behavior of UI elements. In this example, several Modifier instances are used to control layout properties. For instance, Modifier.fillMaxSize() is applied to the Column to make it occupy the entire screen, while Modifier.height(24.dp) is used to add spacing between the message and the buttons. These modifiers provide a declarative way to handle layout logic, further enhancing the flexibility of Jetpack Compose.


This example demonstrates how to create a simple, interactive UI using Jetpack Compose, focusing on IconButton elements that use vector resources. The code leverages the power of Jetpack Compose’s state management system to handle user interaction dynamically, updating the UI as the app’s state changes. By utilizing vector resources, the app is able to display scalable, high-quality icons within buttons.

Jetpack Compose’s declarative approach, combined with features like modifiers and state handling, streamlines the process of building modern Android UIs. Whether you are creating a simple app or a more complex UI, Jetpack Compose offers the tools and flexibility needed to make development easier and more efficient.


package com.cfsuman.jetpackcompose

import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.activity.compose.setContent
import androidx.compose.material.*
import androidx.compose.runtime.*
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.res.vectorResource
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.sp

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        setContent {
                topBar = { TopAppBar(
                    title = {
                        Text(text ="IconButton From Vector Resources")
                content = { MainContent() },
                backgroundColor = Color(0xFFFEFEFA)

    fun MainContent(){
        var message by remember { mutableStateOf("")}

            modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
            verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
            horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally
        ) {
                text = message,
                fontSize = 30.sp

            Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(24.dp))

                horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(16.dp)
                IconButton(onClick = { message = "Mail clicked" }) {
                        imageVector = ImageVector.vectorResource(
                            id = R.drawable.ic_baseline_mail_24),
                        contentDescription = ""

                IconButton(onClick = { message = "Share clicked" }) {
                        imageVector = ImageVector.vectorResource(
                            id = R.drawable.ic_baseline_share_24),
                        contentDescription = ""
More android jetpack compose tutorials

Jetpack Compose: Icon from vector resource


Jetpack Compose, the modern toolkit for building native Android UIs, is rapidly transforming how developers approach Android app development. One of its powerful features is the ability to easily manage UI elements using composable functions. In this tutorial, we will explore a simple example that demonstrates how to create icons using vector resources within a Jetpack Compose layout. The code highlights how to effectively utilize vector assets to build clean, responsive interfaces, showcasing the flexibility of Compose in managing images and icons.

In Android development, vector graphics are widely preferred over raster images for their scalability and small file sizes. This example illustrates how to include vector-based icons directly in a Jetpack Compose project, enhancing the visual appearance and overall performance of the app. We will break down the code in detail, so both new and experienced developers can understand the key concepts at play.

Breakdown of Code: MainActivity Class Overview

The MainActivity class in this example extends AppCompatActivity, which serves as the entry point of the app. The primary responsibility of this class is to set up the user interface using the Jetpack Compose setContent method. The UI is structured within a Scaffold, which is a powerful layout component that provides basic structure such as the top bar, bottom bar, or floating action buttons in a typical Android screen.

The top bar (TopAppBar) in this example displays a title text—"Compose - Icon From Vector Resources"—using the Text composable function. The background color for the Scaffold is set to a light off-white color (Color(0xFFFEFEFA)), creating a visually clean appearance for the app's content area.

The MainContent Composable

The main user interface of the app is built within the MainContent composable function. This function is responsible for arranging the icons and managing the layout. It uses a Row composable, which organizes its child elements horizontally. The fillMaxSize() modifier ensures that the row takes up the full screen, while the horizontalArrangement and verticalAlignment parameters center the content both horizontally and vertically.

Within the Row, two Icon composable functions are used to display vector images. These icons are loaded using ImageVector.vectorResource(), which fetches the vector drawable from the resources. In this case, the icons are sourced from the ic_baseline_mail_24 and ic_baseline_share_24 vector resources, representing a mail and share icon, respectively.

Customizing Icons

The first icon, ic_baseline_mail_24, is displayed without any customizations. It is placed within the layout using default settings, and the contentDescription parameter is left empty. While it’s good practice to provide a content description for accessibility, it has been omitted in this example for simplicity.

The second icon, ic_baseline_share_24, includes a customization: a tint is applied using the tint parameter. The tint color is set to red (Color.Red), changing the appearance of the icon without modifying the underlying vector resource. A Spacer with a width of 16.dp is added between the two icons, ensuring proper spacing between the elements.

Handling Vector Resources

Vector resources are often stored in the res/drawable folder as XML files. In this example, the ImageVector.vectorResource() function is used to load these resources by their R.drawable IDs. This method allows developers to use vector assets in a scalable and efficient manner, avoiding the performance pitfalls of large bitmap images. The use of vectors ensures that icons look sharp on any screen size or resolution.


In this example, we explored how Jetpack Compose simplifies the process of incorporating vector icons into Android apps. By leveraging the ImageVector.vectorResource() function, developers can efficiently manage scalable vector graphics within a modern Compose UI framework. The use of composables like Icon, Row, and Spacer provides a declarative and flexible approach to building responsive layouts.

This approach not only results in a clean and maintainable codebase but also enhances the performance and scalability of the app. By using vector resources, developers can ensure that icons remain crisp across various devices, leading to a better user experience. As Jetpack Compose continues to evolve, mastering these fundamental components will be essential for creating polished and responsive Android applications.


package com.cfsuman.jetpackcompose

import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.activity.compose.setContent
import androidx.compose.material.*
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.res.vectorResource
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        setContent {
                topBar = { TopAppBar(
                    title = {
                        Text(text = "Compose - Icon From Vector Resources")
                content = { MainContent() },
                backgroundColor = Color(0xFFFEFEFA)

    fun MainContent(){
            modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
            horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
            verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically
        ) {
                imageVector = ImageVector.vectorResource(
                    id = R.drawable.ic_baseline_mail_24),
                contentDescription = ""

            Spacer(modifier = Modifier.width(16.dp))

                imageVector = ImageVector.vectorResource(
                    id = R.drawable.ic_baseline_share_24),
                contentDescription = "",
                tint = Color.Red
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