How to get the length of a string in ColdFusion


In ColdFusion, working with strings is essential for many web applications, whether it involves manipulating data, displaying content dynamically, or performing validation. One of the most fundamental operations you might perform is determining the length of a string, which can be useful for checking input sizes, truncating content, or formatting output. ColdFusion provides the Len() function to easily return the number of characters in a string. This tutorial will explain how to use the Len() function to calculate the length of a string in a web-based environment using ColdFusion.

Overview of the Len Function

The Len() function in ColdFusion is straightforward and highly efficient. It takes a single string parameter and returns the number of characters in that string. This can be applied to strings containing alphanumeric characters, special characters, or even whitespace, which are all counted toward the string's length.

The example code below demonstrates how to use the Len() function in a basic ColdFusion page. By utilizing HTML to structure the content and a small ColdFusion script to define and output the string, this example highlights the simplicity and usefulness of the function in real-world applications.

HTML Structure and ColdFusion Integration

The page begins with a standard HTML structure, including the DOCTYPE declaration and meta tag to ensure proper encoding of the content. Within the body of the page, a heading styled with inline CSS (color:HotPink) is used to give a visual indicator of the example's purpose—showing how to calculate a string's length.

The ColdFusion script itself is embedded within the HTML using <cfset> and <cfoutput> tags. First, the TestString variable is created using the cfset tag. This variable stores the string value "ColdFusion is the best" that we will use in this example. The string is dynamically inserted into the HTML output by referencing it in the cfoutput block.

Using the Len Function

Inside the same cfoutput block, the Len() function is called, passing TestString as its parameter. The function processes the string and returns the length, which is then output alongside the original string. In this case, the length of "ColdFusion is the best" is 22, as the Len() function counts each character, including spaces, in the string.

This dynamic output is displayed within bold tags (<b>), making it easy for users to see both the original string and its length. ColdFusion handles this logic on the server side, rendering the final HTML page with the processed data for the user.

Practical Application

The Len() function is a fundamental tool when working with string data in ColdFusion. Whether you're validating user input (like limiting the length of a username or password), adjusting content length for visual consistency, or working with large datasets, this function helps ensure that you handle string data efficiently. It is a building block for more complex string manipulations, making it an essential part of any ColdFusion developer's toolkit.


In this tutorial, we explored how to get the length of a string in ColdFusion using the Len() function. By leveraging simple ColdFusion code embedded within HTML, we were able to dynamically output both the original string and its length. This method is efficient and effective for any web application that needs to handle string data. Understanding and utilizing such basic string functions is crucial for building reliable, scalable ColdFusion applications that manage textual data accurately and seamlessly.


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Len function example: how to get the length of a string</title>

<h2 style="color:HotPink">Len Function Example</h2>

<cfset TestString="ColdFusion is the best">
TestString: #TestString#
<br />
TestString[Length]: #Len(TestString)#

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