How to extracts a substring from a string in ColdFusion


Adobe ColdFusion is a powerful web development platform known for its simplicity and efficiency when working with server-side logic. One of its many helpful features is its built-in functions, such as the Mid() function, which allows developers to easily manipulate and extract specific substrings from a string. This functionality is critical for tasks where text parsing, data cleaning, or customization of string-based content is required.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to use the Mid() function in ColdFusion to extract a substring from a larger string. We'll walk through a practical example demonstrating how to specify the starting position and the number of characters to extract from a given string, ensuring you understand how this function can be applied in various web development scenarios.

Understanding the Structure of the Example

The example code provided in the ColdFusion page (Mid.cfm) demonstrates how to use the Mid() function in a real-world context. The page is structured using basic HTML elements and ColdFusion tags to create a dynamic web output. Here’s a breakdown of the essential components:

  1. HTML Framework
    The code begins by defining a simple HTML document structure. This includes the doctype declaration (<!DOCTYPE html>), an HTML tag, a head section with metadata about the page, and a body section where the main content will be displayed. The head section includes the page title "Mid function example: how to extract a substring from a string," which is a brief description of the function being demonstrated.

  2. ColdFusion Variables and cfset
    In the body of the page, the cfset tag is used to define a ColdFusion variable called TestString. This variable holds the text "Test string for Mid function." The cfset tag is a simple way to assign values to variables in ColdFusion, and here it is used to store the string that we want to manipulate using the Mid() function.

  3. Displaying the String and Substring Using cfoutput
    The cfoutput tag is utilized to output dynamic content onto the webpage. Inside this tag, the ColdFusion expressions are enclosed in # symbols to display the values of the variables directly in the HTML output. The first expression shows the original TestString, and the second one demonstrates the result of applying the Mid() function on this string. By using Mid(TestString,6,6), the code extracts a substring starting from the 6th character and retrieves 6 characters.

Understanding the Mid() Function

The Mid() function in ColdFusion is similar to substring functions in other programming languages. It allows you to extract a portion of a string based on a starting position and a specified length. The syntax for this function is:

Mid(string, start, count)

  • string: This is the original string from which you want to extract a substring.
  • start: The position in the string where the substring should begin. ColdFusion uses a 1-based index, meaning the first character in the string is at position 1.
  • count: This is the number of characters to extract, starting from the given position.

In the provided example, the Mid() function is extracting 6 characters from the TestString, starting at position 6. The result, "string," is displayed on the webpage.

Practical Application

Understanding how to extract substrings is extremely useful in various web development scenarios. For instance, you may need to retrieve specific parts of user input, format text content dynamically, or break down complex strings into more manageable pieces for processing. The Mid() function provides an easy-to-use method to achieve these tasks with minimal code.

By dynamically extracting parts of strings, developers can create more interactive and responsive applications. In real-world use, this could be applied to tasks like parsing URLs, formatting dates, or processing CSV files where certain fields need to be isolated.


This simple example demonstrates how ColdFusion's Mid() function can be used to extract substrings from larger text strings. The function's flexibility in specifying the starting position and character count makes it a valuable tool for string manipulation in web development. With just a few lines of code, ColdFusion allows developers to handle complex text-processing tasks, making the platform efficient and developer-friendly.

Whether you are working with user inputs, database content, or dynamically generated text, the Mid() function can be an essential tool in your ColdFusion programming toolkit.


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Mid function example: how to extracts a substring from a string</title>

<h2 style="color:HotPink">Mid Function Example</h2>

<cfset TestString="Test string for Mid function">
TestString: #TestString#
<br />
TestString[substring start 6, count 6]: #Mid(TestString,6,6)#


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