In recent years, Jetpack Compose has become a popular toolkit for building modern Android user interfaces with a declarative approach. As developers seek more efficient ways to manage UI state and asynchronous data, Kotlin coroutines and flows have proven to be powerful tools in the toolkit. One of the key features that integrate seamlessly with Jetpack Compose is the use of flowOf()
—a simple flow builder provided by Kotlin’s Flow API. This flow builder allows developers to emit a predefined set of values, which can then be collected and used within a Composable function.
In this article, we will explore how to effectively use the flowOf()
function in an Android Jetpack Compose application. By breaking down a simple example, we will illustrate how the flow can be used to dynamically update the UI with changes in data. This not only enhances the responsiveness of an application but also leverages the full potential of Kotlin flows within a Compose environment.
Understanding the Application Structure
At the core of the provided code, we have an Android application built using Jetpack Compose and Kotlin. The MainActivity
serves as the entry point, where the Compose content is set up. The application uses a Scaffold
structure to provide a consistent layout, including a top bar with a title and a background color for the entire screen. The focus of the app, however, is on showcasing how to use the flowOf()
function to manage UI updates efficiently.
The MainContent()
function is the main Composable that handles the display of the content on the screen. Here, the Kotlin flowOf()
builder is utilized to create a flow that emits a list of color names ("Red", "Green", "Yellow", "Black"). The values emitted by this flow are collected and observed within the Composable using the collectAsState()
function. This function allows the flow to be integrated smoothly into the Compose state management system, ensuring that the UI updates automatically whenever the flow emits a new value.
Using flowOf()
to Emit Values
The flowOf()
builder is a straightforward and efficient way to create a flow in Kotlin. In this example, it’s used to generate a flow that emits a series of predefined string values representing color names. This is particularly useful when you have a static set of data that you want to emit in a flow without needing complex asynchronous operations or background tasks.
When the flow is created, it’s collected using the collectAsState()
function, which converts the flow into a state object that Compose can observe. By providing an initial value of "Red", the collectAsState()
function ensures that the UI starts with a default color until the flow emits a new value. The collected value is then used within the Text()
Composable to display the current color on the screen.
Building a Reactive UI with collectAsState()
The use of collectAsState()
is key in integrating Kotlin flows with Jetpack Compose. This function takes a flow and automatically collects its values, converting them into a state that the Composable can react to. This ensures that any changes emitted by the flow trigger a recomposition of the UI, thus keeping the display in sync with the underlying data source. In this example, each color emitted by the flow is reflected in the Text()
element on the screen.
By wrapping the Text()
Composable inside a Box
layout with center alignment, the displayed color name appears in the middle of the screen with a large font size, making it easy for users to see the current state. The choice of colors and layout design is simple yet effective in demonstrating how flows and state can be used to drive dynamic content in a Compose application.
This example showcases how to leverage Kotlin’s flowOf()
function alongside Jetpack Compose to build a simple yet effective reactive UI. By using the collectAsState()
function, developers can seamlessly integrate flows into their Composable functions, ensuring that UI updates occur automatically as data changes. This approach not only simplifies state management but also enhances the responsiveness of the application.
In a real-world scenario, the flowOf()
builder can be replaced with more complex flows that emit data from asynchronous sources, such as network responses or database queries. However, the fundamental principles remain the same—using flows to emit data and collectAsState()
to bind that data to the UI in a reactive and efficient manner. As Jetpack Compose continues to grow in popularity, mastering these techniques will be invaluable for Android developers looking to build modern, responsive applications.
package com.cfsuman.composestate
import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
import androidx.activity.compose.setContent
import androidx.compose.material.*
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.collectAsState
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.sp
import com.cfsuman.composestate.ui.theme.ComposeStateTheme
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flowOf
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
ComposeStateTheme {
topBar = { TopAppBar(
title = {
Text(text = "Compose - flowOf() flow builder")
content = { MainContent() },
backgroundColor = Color(0xFFEDEAE0)
fun MainContent() {
val colorFlow = flowOf("Red","Green","Yellow","Black")
val color by colorFlow
.collectAsState(initial = "Red")
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
) {
Text(text = color, fontSize = 40.sp)
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