Jetpack Compose: Kotlinx serialization build JSON array


In this article, we explore how to create a JSON array using Jetpack Compose in an Android application written in Kotlin. The example demonstrates how to use Kotlinx Serialization, a powerful and flexible library, to build JSON objects and arrays. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is widely used for data storage and communication between servers and mobile applications, and understanding how to manipulate JSON in Android can be essential for developers working with RESTful APIs or any data serialization.

The sample code creates a simple Compose UI layout that displays a JSON array built dynamically. We’ll walk through each part of the code, explaining how it uses Jetpack Compose’s composable functions and Kotlinx Serialization to construct and display JSON data in a human-readable format. By the end, you’ll have a good understanding of how to create, format, and display JSON arrays in a Kotlin-based Android project using Jetpack Compose.

Main Components of the Code

The code is organized within a single MainActivity.kt file, starting with the MainActivity class. This class is derived from ComponentActivity, which provides the main entry point for an Android activity in a Compose project. The onCreate method, an essential part of the Android activity lifecycle, is overridden here to set up the content of the application.

In the onCreate method, the setContent block initializes the user interface with the ComposeNetworkTheme, a custom theme created for this application. Inside the ComposeNetworkTheme, a Scaffold is used to structure the layout. Scaffold is a layout structure in Jetpack Compose that allows you to set up commonly used UI components such as a TopAppBar, which here displays a simple title: "Serialization Build Json Array."

Building the JSON Array with Kotlinx Serialization

The core of the application is in the MainContent composable function, where we use Kotlinx Serialization to build a JSON array. The JsonArray instance is created using the buildJsonArray function, which allows for the dynamic addition of JSON objects to the array. Each object in the array is created with addJsonObject, a function that allows you to set key-value pairs representing different fields. Here, five objects are added to the JSON array, each representing a simple attribute: firstName, lastName, dept, age, and salary. This structure simulates a basic data model you might encounter in real applications, such as an employee profile.

In this array, each addJsonObject entry adds a key-value pair for a specific attribute, making it easy to build a collection of structured data entries. The use of put within addJsonObject allows us to set the fields for each JSON object, creating a JSON array ready for display or further processing.

Formatting and Displaying the JSON Array

Once the JSON array is constructed, we move on to formatting it in a readable way. The Json object, configured with prettyPrint = true, formats the JSON for readability by adding indentation and line breaks. This is helpful for debugging and displaying JSON data directly to the user. The encodeToString method is used to convert the JSON array to a formatted string.

Finally, in the Column composable, the formatted JSON string (prettyArray) is displayed in the UI using a Text composable. The Modifier.fillMaxSize() and padding(24.dp) ensure that the content fills the screen with some padding around the edges. The MaterialTheme.typography.h6 style gives the text a structured, clear appearance that matches the app’s theme.


This example demonstrates how to use Jetpack Compose and Kotlinx Serialization to create and display a JSON array in an Android app. By structuring the UI with Jetpack Compose and formatting JSON data with Kotlinx Serialization, we can easily present structured data in a clean, readable format. The use of buildJsonArray and addJsonObject simplifies the JSON creation process, making it more readable and maintainable.

This approach is useful for applications that need to construct JSON data on the fly or interact with APIs, where JSON is the primary data format. With Kotlin’s and Jetpack Compose’s streamlined syntax, Android developers can create powerful and dynamic user interfaces that handle JSON data efficiently.


package com.cfsuman.composenetwork

import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
import androidx.activity.compose.setContent
import androidx.compose.material.*
import androidx.compose.runtime.*
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import com.cfsuman.composenetwork.ui.theme.ComposeNetworkTheme
import kotlinx.serialization.encodeToString
import kotlinx.serialization.json.*

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
            ComposeNetworkTheme {
                    topBar = {
                            title = {
                                    "Serialization Build Json Array"
                    content = { MainContent()}

fun MainContent() {
    val jsonArray: JsonArray = buildJsonArray{
        addJsonObject { put("firstName","Jenny") }
        addJsonObject { put("lastName","Jones") }
        addJsonObject { put("dept","Accounting") }
        addJsonObject { put("age",30) }
        addJsonObject { put("salary",1200) }

    val format = Json { prettyPrint = true }
    val prettyArray = format.encodeToString(jsonArray)

    Column(Modifier.fillMaxSize().padding(24.dp)) {
            text = prettyArray,
            style = MaterialTheme.typography.h6
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