Handling Font Scaling in Jetpack Compose Themes Efficiently

With the increasing emphasis on accessibility and user personalization in mobile applications, handling font scaling effectively has become a critical aspect of app development. Jetpack Compose, Google's modern UI toolkit for building native Android apps, provides powerful tools to handle font scaling while maintaining design consistency. In this blog post, we will dive deep into strategies for managing font scaling in Jetpack Compose themes, explore best practices, and examine advanced use cases.

Why Font Scaling Matters

Font scaling is a vital feature for accessibility, allowing users to adjust text sizes based on their preferences or visual needs. Android devices support this through the system font scale, which can be adjusted in the device's settings. Ignoring font scaling in your app can lead to:

  • Text that is too small for visually impaired users.

  • Layout breakage and poor user experiences when text becomes excessively large.

  • Violations of accessibility standards, potentially excluding users with specific needs.

Ensuring your app responds well to font scaling demonstrates inclusivity and a commitment to a high-quality user experience.

Understanding Font Scaling in Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose handles font scaling differently from the traditional View-based UI toolkit. Its declarative nature and use of TextStyle objects make it easier to manage text sizes dynamically.

In Jetpack Compose, text sizes are defined using sp (scale-independent pixels). This unit automatically respects the user's font scale preferences, making it the go-to choice for defining text sizes. However, there are nuances developers need to understand to fully harness its capabilities.

Key Concepts

  1. Scale-Independent Pixels (sp): Compose inherently supports font scaling when you use sp for text size definitions. For example:

        text = "Hello, World!",
        style = TextStyle(fontSize = 16.sp)

    This ensures the text size adjusts based on the system font scale.

  2. TextStyle and Typography: Compose organizes text styles through the Typography class, part of the MaterialTheme. This provides a centralized way to define and manage text styles.

  3. Constraints and Layouts: Compose’s layout system reacts to changes in text size, recalculating the layout as needed. However, careful design is necessary to avoid unintended clipping or overlapping when font sizes increase.

Creating a Font Scaling-Ready Theme

Step 1: Define a Scalable Typography

Start by customizing the Typography in your MaterialTheme. Jetpack Compose provides a default Typography object, but you can override it with your own definitions:

val AppTypography = Typography(
    h1 = TextStyle(
        fontSize = 30.sp,
        fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold
    body1 = TextStyle(
        fontSize = 16.sp,
        fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal

fun MyAppTheme(content: @Composable () -> Unit) {
        typography = AppTypography,
        content = content

Using sp ensures that your typography respects system font scaling.

Step 2: Test with Extreme Font Scales

Developers often overlook testing for extreme font scales. Android allows users to set font sizes ranging from Small (0.85x) to Huge (1.3x or more), depending on the device. You can simulate these settings in the emulator or on a physical device:

  1. Go to Settings > Accessibility > Font size.

  2. Adjust the slider to various extremes.

  3. Observe how your Compose layouts respond.

Managing Layouts for Scaled Text

1. Use Adaptive Layouts

Compose provides tools like Box, Column, and Row to create flexible layouts. Combine these with Modifier.padding and Modifier.weight to ensure content adapts to different text sizes.

For example:

Column(modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp)) {
        text = "Title",
        style = MaterialTheme.typography.h1,
        modifier = Modifier.padding(bottom = 8.dp)
        text = "This is a body text that scales with user preferences.",
        style = MaterialTheme.typography.body1

This approach ensures spacing remains consistent even when font sizes increase.

2. Handle Text Overflow

To prevent text clipping or overlapping, use the maxLines and overflow parameters:

    text = "This is a long piece of text that might overflow",
    style = MaterialTheme.typography.body1,
    maxLines = 2,
    overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis

3. Test with Dynamic Text Scaling

Compose allows dynamic font scaling tests by programmatically adjusting font sizes. For example:

val dynamicFontScale = remember { mutableStateOf(1.0f) }

CompositionLocalProvider(LocalDensity provides Density(currentDensity, dynamicFontScale.value)) {
    // Composable content

This helps simulate real-world scenarios without changing system settings.

Advanced Use Cases

1. Supporting Custom Font Scaling

In some cases, you may want to provide in-app font scaling options independent of the system settings. Here’s how you can achieve this in Compose:

  1. Create a state to hold the custom font scale:

    var customFontScale by remember { mutableStateOf(1.0f) }
  2. Use CompositionLocalProvider to apply the custom scale:

        LocalDensity provides Density(LocalDensity.current.density, customFontScale)
    ) {
        // Your composables
  3. Provide a UI control for users to adjust font scaling:

        value = customFontScale,
        onValueChange = { newScale -> customFontScale = newScale },
        valueRange = 0.5f..2.0f

This approach gives users additional control while keeping the app layout responsive.

2. Handling Edge Cases with Fixed Sizes

While sp is ideal for text, there may be scenarios where fixed sizes are necessary, such as logos or brand names. In such cases, use dp but ensure these elements don’t interfere with accessibility:

    text = "BrandName",
    style = TextStyle(fontSize = 24.dp.toSp())

Best Practices for Font Scaling in Jetpack Compose

  1. Stick to sp: Always use sp for text sizes unless there is a compelling reason not to.

  2. Test Extensively: Test layouts with various font scales to identify and fix issues early.

  3. Design for Flexibility: Use adaptive layouts and avoid hardcoded constraints.

  4. Communicate Scale Limitations: Clearly document any in-app font scaling limitations or exclusions.


Handling font scaling efficiently in Jetpack Compose is essential for creating accessible, user-friendly apps. By leveraging Compose's declarative nature, scalable typography, and flexible layouts, you can ensure a seamless experience for users across all font scales. Remember, accessibility is not just a feature but a responsibility—embrace it to make your apps truly inclusive.

Implement these strategies, test rigorously, and keep your users’ needs at the forefront of your design process.