In Adobe ColdFusion, one of the most powerful features is the ability to create reusable code components known as ColdFusion Components (CFCs). These components allow developers to encapsulate functionality into manageable and modular code blocks. One common task in ColdFusion development is invoking methods from these components in order to execute specific functionality or retrieve data. ColdFusion provides the <cfinvoke>
tag to facilitate this process, allowing developers to easily call methods from a component (CFC). Additionally, the <cfinvokeargument>
tag is used to pass arguments to the method being invoked.
In this tutorial, we'll explore how to invoke a method from a CFC using the <cfinvoke>
and <cfinvokeargument>
tags, demonstrated by a simple example that retrieves table data from a database.
Component Overview
The tutorial consists of two files: cfinvokeargument.cfm
and TableData.cfc
. The first file is a ColdFusion page that demonstrates how to invoke a method of a component, while the second file is a ColdFusion Component (CFC) that contains the method to be invoked.
In TableData.cfc
, there is a function called GetTableData
that accepts two arguments: Table
and Columns
. This method constructs a SQL query using the provided arguments and returns the result as a ColdFusion query object. This component allows for flexible data retrieval from any table by dynamically selecting the table and columns based on the arguments passed in.
Using <cfinvoke>
to Call the Component
The ColdFusion page (cfinvokeargument.cfm
) is where the invocation of the component method happens. The <cfinvoke>
tag is used to call the GetTableData
method from the TableData
component. The component
attribute specifies the CFC to be invoked (TableData.cfc
), while the method
attribute specifies the method to be called (GetTableData
). The returnvariable
attribute stores the result of the method, which is returned as a ColdFusion query object.
The use of <cfinvoke>
allows for a clean and modular way to access the functionality of a CFC without the need to hard-code method calls, making it ideal for situations where the component may need to be called multiple times or reused across different pages.
Passing Arguments with <cfinvokeargument>
To pass the necessary data to the GetTableData
method, the <cfinvokeargument>
tag is used inside the <cfinvoke>
block. In this example, two arguments are passed: Table
, which specifies the name of the database table (in this case, "Employees"), and Columns
, which lists the columns to be retrieved (e.g., "FirstName, LastName, Email"). These arguments correspond to the parameters expected by the GetTableData
method in TableData.cfc
Each argument is defined with a name
attribute (which must match the argument name in the method definition) and a value
attribute (the actual value to be passed to the method). This approach makes it easy to dynamically pass values to component methods.
Displaying the Results
Once the method has been invoked and the data has been returned, the <cfdump>
tag is used to display the results of the query on the page. The <cfdump>
tag provides a quick and easy way to output complex variables such as queries, allowing developers to inspect the returned data and ensure the component method is functioning as expected.
In this example, the query results will include the first name, last name, and email of employees from the Employees
table, based on the arguments passed via <cfinvokeargument>
In this tutorial, we've explored how to use the <cfinvoke>
and <cfinvokeargument>
tags in ColdFusion to invoke a method from a ColdFusion component (CFC). By encapsulating data retrieval logic in a component, and using ColdFusion's native tags to pass arguments and invoke methods, you can create highly modular and reusable code. This technique not only streamlines development but also enhances the flexibility and maintainability of your applications, allowing you to easily adapt components for different use cases.
The example demonstrated here is a basic use case, but these tags are extremely powerful for more complex operations, including API integrations, database interactions, and other dynamic web functionalities.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>cfinvoke and cfinvokeargument tag example: how to invoke a method of a component</title>
<h2 style="color:DodgerBlue">ColdFusion cfinvoke and cfinvokeargument example</h2>
<cfinvokeargument name="Table" value="Employees">
<cfinvokeargument name="Columns" value="FirstName,LastName,Email">
<cfdump var="#qTableData#">
<cfcomponent hint="Table Data Viewer">
<cffunction name="GetTableData" access="remote" returntype="query">
<cfargument name="Table" type="string" required="yes">
<cfargument name="Columns" type="string" required="yes">
<cfquery name="qTable" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT #arguments.Columns# FROM #arguments.Table#
<cfreturn qTable>
- display data in a flash format grid
- display data in a applet format grid
- display data in a html format grid
- cflocation - How to redirect a page with token
- cfquery - How to insert data
- cfdbinfo - How to get table name list from a data source
- cfdbinfo - How to get system table name list from a data source
- cfdbinfo - How to get column list from a table