cfdbinfo - get column list from a table
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<title>ColdFusion cfdbinfo tag example: how to get column list from a table</title>
<h2 style="color:DodgerBlue">ColdFusion cfdbinfo tag example: Column List</h2>
<cfdbinfo datasource="cfbookclub" table="Books" type="columns" name="result">
<cfquery dbtype="query" name="qColumnList">
<cfdump var="#qColumnList#">
- cfdbinfo - get table name list from a datasource
- cfdbinfo - get system table name list from a datasource
- cfgrid - display data in a flash format grid
- cfgrid - display data in a applet format grid
- cfgrid - display data in a html format grid
- cflocation - redirect a page with token
- cfinvoke - invoke a method of a component
- cfinvoke and cfinvokeargument - invoke a method of a component
- cfquery - insert data