cfdump - dump a structure
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<title>cfdump tag example: how to dump a structure</title>
<h2 style="color:Crimson">cfdump Tag Example</h2>
<cfset Employee=StructNew()>
<cfset Employee.Name.FirstName="Jenny">
<cfset Employee.Name.LastName="Jones">
<cfset Employee.City="Rome">
<cfset Employee.Email="">
<cfset Employee.StartDate="5-Dec-2005">
<cfdump var="#Employee#" label="Employee">
- cfdump - dump an array
- StructKeyArray() - get an array of keys from a structure
- StructKeyExists() - check whether a specific key is present in a structure
- StructKeyList() - get a list of keys from a structure
- StructNew() - create a structure
- StructUpdate() - update a structure key with a value
- cfoutput - get output of a query (defined start rows)
- cftable - build a table in coldfusion (HTML Table)
- cfdump - dump query