StructKeyExists() - check whether a specific key is present in a structure
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<title>StructKeyExists function example: how to check whether a specific key is present in a structure</title>
<h2 style="color:HotPink">StructKeyExists Function Example</h2>
<cfset Color=StructNew()>
<cfset Color.ID=1>
<cfset Color.Name="LightCyan">
<cfset Color.Value="##E0FFFF">
<cfdump var="#Color#" label="Color">
<br />
Color Structure Key Exists[Name]?: #StructkeyExists(Color,"Name")#
<br />
Color Structure Key Exists[Names]?: #StructkeyExists(Color,"Names")#

- StructClear() - remove all date from a structure
- StructCount() - count the keys in a structure
- StructDelete() - remove an element from a structure
- StructFind() - find the value associated with a key in a structure
- StructInsert() - insert a key value pair into a structure
- StructIsEmpty() - determine whether a structure contains data
- StructKeyArray() - get an array of keys from a structure
- StructKeyList() - get a list of keys from a structure
- cfdump - dump a structure