Updating UI in Jetpack Compose with Coroutines: Best Techniques

Jetpack Compose has redefined UI development in Android, offering a declarative approach that simplifies complex tasks. One of its most compelling features is the way it integrates seamlessly with Kotlin coroutines, enabling smooth, efficient, and scalable UI updates. For intermediate to advanced Android developers, understanding how to harness coroutines in Jetpack Compose is essential for creating robust applications.

This blog post delves into best practices and advanced use cases for updating UI with coroutines in Jetpack Compose. By the end, you’ll have a clear roadmap for managing UI state effectively and avoiding common pitfalls, ensuring a performant and delightful user experience.

Understanding Jetpack Compose and Coroutines

Why Jetpack Compose and Coroutines Work Together

Jetpack Compose relies on a unidirectional data flow, where UI components react to changes in state. Kotlin coroutines, on the other hand, provide a powerful way to handle asynchronous tasks. When combined, these technologies enable:

  • Efficient state management: Use coroutines to fetch or compute data without blocking the main thread, updating UI reactively.

  • Simplified concurrency: Launch coroutines to handle background tasks and deliver results directly to the UI layer.

  • Improved readability: Declarative patterns in Compose align naturally with coroutine-based flow patterns, making code more intuitive.

Setting Up State Management in Jetpack Compose

Using MutableState and remember

In Jetpack Compose, the MutableState class is the cornerstone of reactive state updates. When paired with remember, it can persist UI state across recompositions:

fun CounterScreen() {
    val count = remember { mutableStateOf(0) }

        horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
        verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center
    ) {
        Text(text = "Count: ${count.value}", style = MaterialTheme.typography.h4)
        Button(onClick = { count.value++ }) {

While this example demonstrates the basics, integrating coroutines can take state management to the next level.

Using Coroutines for UI Updates

1. Launching Coroutines in Composables

Compose provides the LaunchedEffect composable to launch coroutines tied to the lifecycle of a composable. For instance:

fun TimerScreen() {
    val time = remember { mutableStateOf(0) }

    LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
        while (true) {

    Text(text = "Elapsed time: ${time.value}s")

Best Practice: Avoid launching long-running or intensive tasks directly in LaunchedEffect. Offload such work to a ViewModel or repository layer to maintain composability.

2. Leveraging Flows in Compose

Kotlin Flows integrate beautifully with Compose, enabling reactive streams of data to update the UI effortlessly. Combine flows with collectAsState to observe and render state changes:

fun UserListScreen(viewModel: UserViewModel) {
    val users by viewModel.userList.collectAsState(initial = emptyList())

    LazyColumn {
        items(users) { user ->
            Text(text = user.name)

In this example:

  • viewModel.userList is a Flow emitting user data.

  • collectAsState transforms the flow into a state observable by Compose.

Tip: Use StateFlow or SharedFlow in your ViewModel for thread-safe and lifecycle-aware state sharing.

3. Handling Asynchronous Operations

Fetching data asynchronously and displaying results is a common use case. Here’s how to use produceState to bridge coroutines and Compose:

fun WeatherScreen() {
    val weatherData = produceState<Resource<Weather>>(initialValue = Resource.Loading) {
        value = fetchWeatherData()

    when (val data = weatherData.value) {
        is Resource.Loading -> CircularProgressIndicator()
        is Resource.Success -> Text("Temperature: ${data.data.temperature}")
        is Resource.Error -> Text("Error: ${data.message}")

Key Points:

  • produceState creates a stateful coroutine that runs in the composable’s lifecycle scope.

  • This ensures the UI updates reactively as the coroutine progresses.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

1. Blocking the Main Thread

Never use blocking calls in Compose. For example, avoid runBlocking inside a composable:


fun LoadData() {
    val data = runBlocking { fetchData() } // BAD: Blocks the main thread

Solution: Use LaunchedEffect or produceState for asynchronous work.

2. Overusing remember for Side Effects

Side effects should not be executed in remember. For instance:


fun Timer() {
    val timer = remember {
        CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main).launch { // BAD: Side-effect in remember
            while (true) {

    Text("Time: ${timer.value}")

Solution: Use LaunchedEffect for side-effect management.

3. Ignoring Lifecycle Events

Compose’s lifecycle-aware nature can be compromised if coroutines are not properly scoped. Always tie coroutine scopes to a ViewModel or LaunchedEffect to prevent memory leaks.

Advanced Use Cases

1. Optimizing Performance with SnapshotFlow

Use snapshotFlow to observe state changes efficiently. This is particularly useful when you want to bridge Compose state with a flow.

fun OptimizedScreen() {
    val counter = remember { mutableStateOf(0) }

    LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
        snapshotFlow { counter.value }
            .collect { value ->
                Log.d("SnapshotFlow", "Counter: $value")

    Button(onClick = { counter.value++ }) {

2. Handling Complex UI with Multiple Flows

When multiple flows feed into a single UI component, combine them using operators like combine or zip:

fun CombinedFlowScreen(viewModel: MyViewModel) {
    val combinedState by viewModel.combinedData.collectAsState(initial = null)

    combinedState?.let { data ->
        Text("Name: ${data.name}, Age: ${data.age}")

ViewModel Example:

val combinedData = flow.combine(nameFlow, ageFlow) { name, age ->
    UserData(name, age)
}.stateIn(viewModelScope, SharingStarted.Eagerly, null)


Updating UI in Jetpack Compose with coroutines unlocks a world of possibilities for Android developers. By mastering techniques like LaunchedEffect, produceState, and integrating flows, you can build reactive, performant, and maintainable applications. Avoid pitfalls by adhering to lifecycle-aware patterns and leveraging best practices.

Jetpack Compose and coroutines together represent a paradigm shift in Android development. As you experiment with these tools, you’ll find new ways to create dynamic and engaging user experiences—pushing the boundaries of what’s possible on Android.