Coroutines and Side Effects in Jetpack Compose: A Developer’s Approach

Jetpack Compose has redefined how we build user interfaces in Android. Its declarative paradigm simplifies UI development, allowing us to focus on what the UI should look like rather than how it should update. However, with this power comes the responsibility of managing state and side effects effectively, especially when working with coroutines.

In this article, we’ll explore how to use coroutines in Jetpack Compose to handle side effects cleanly and efficiently. We’ll dive into key concepts, best practices, and advanced use cases that intermediate and advanced Android developers need to master.

Understanding Side Effects in Jetpack Compose

What Are Side Effects?

Side effects in Jetpack Compose refer to operations that modify states outside the composable’s scope or perform tasks that persist beyond the lifecycle of a single recomposition. Examples include:

  • Making a network request.

  • Logging analytics events.

  • Updating a ViewModel or shared state.

Jetpack Compose provides tools like LaunchedEffect, SideEffect, and rememberUpdatedState to handle these scenarios gracefully.

Challenges of Side Effects

Managing side effects in Jetpack Compose requires:

  • Avoiding redundant execution: Preventing unnecessary API calls or updates during recomposition.

  • Lifecycle awareness: Ensuring coroutines are canceled when the composable is removed.

  • Thread safety: Handling shared state safely across multiple threads.

Coroutines and State Management in Compose

Coroutines are the backbone of modern Android development, offering a structured way to handle asynchronous tasks. In Jetpack Compose, coroutines are pivotal for managing state and executing side effects.

remember and rememberCoroutineScope

remember is essential for preserving state across recompositions. When paired with rememberCoroutineScope, you can launch coroutines tied to a composable’s lifecycle:

fun MyComposable() {
    val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
    val scaffoldState = remember { SnackbarHostState() }

    Button(onClick = {
        scope.launch {
            scaffoldState.showSnackbar("Hello from coroutine!")
    }) {
        Text("Show Snackbar")

Here, the coroutine scope is tied to the composable’s lifecycle, ensuring proper cleanup.

Using LaunchedEffect

LaunchedEffect is the go-to solution for launching coroutines in response to composable lifecycle events. It is particularly useful for one-time tasks or tasks triggered by state changes:

fun DataFetchingComposable(userId: String) {
    var data by remember { mutableStateOf<String?>(null) }

    LaunchedEffect(userId) {
        data = fetchDataForUser(userId)

    if (data == null) {
    } else {
        Text("Data: $data")

The LaunchedEffect block runs whenever the userId changes, ensuring data is refetched without leaking memory.

Advanced Side Effect Patterns

SideEffect for Non-Suspend Operations

SideEffect allows you to perform operations that should run every time the composable recomposes. It is ideal for logging or interacting with non-composable parts of your app:

fun AnalyticsComposable(screenName: String) {
    SideEffect {

    Text("Screen: $screenName")

DisposableEffect for Cleanup

DisposableEffect is useful when you need to perform setup and cleanup operations tied to a composable’s lifecycle:

fun SensorListenerComposable() {
    DisposableEffect(Unit) {
        val listener = createSensorListener()

        onDispose {

This ensures resources are cleaned up when the composable leaves the composition.

Handling Mutable State with Coroutines

Mutable state in Compose is automatically observable, but when combined with coroutines, it’s crucial to avoid race conditions:

fun CounterComposable() {
    var count by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
    val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()

    Button(onClick = {
        scope.launch {
    }) {
        Text("Count: $count")

Here, the coroutine safely updates the state without causing unexpected behaviors.

Best Practices for Using Coroutines in Compose

1. Leverage Lifecycle-Aware Scopes

Use rememberCoroutineScope or LaunchedEffect to tie coroutines to the composable’s lifecycle. Avoid directly launching coroutines in the global scope.

2. Minimize Recomposition Triggers

Ensure state changes are minimal to avoid unnecessary recompositions. Use derivedStateOf for computed states:

val derivedState = remember { derivedStateOf { calculateExpensiveValue() } }

3. Handle Cancellations Gracefully

Always make coroutines cancellable by checking isActive or using structured concurrency. Compose cancels coroutines automatically when composables are removed from the composition.

4. Separate Concerns

Keep business logic in ViewModels or other state holders. Use Compose for UI logic and display.

5. Use Stable Data Structures

Ensure data structures passed to composables are stable. Use @Stable or immutableListOf to prevent unnecessary recompositions.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Recomposition Loops

Accidental infinite recompositions can occur if a mutable state updates within a composable without proper scoping. Use tools like LaunchedEffect to isolate state updates.

Overuse of Global Scope

Avoid launching long-running coroutines in GlobalScope from composables. This can lead to memory leaks and lifecycle mismatches.

Ignoring Coroutine Cancellations

Always handle coroutine cancellations to prevent resource leaks. For example:

suspend fun fetchData() {
    try {
        val result = api.getData()
    } catch (e: CancellationException) {
        // Handle cancellation


Coroutines and side effects are powerful tools in Jetpack Compose, enabling developers to build responsive and efficient applications. By understanding how to manage side effects and coroutines effectively, you can write clean, maintainable, and lifecycle-aware code.

Jetpack Compose provides a rich set of APIs like LaunchedEffect, SideEffect, and DisposableEffect to manage these tasks seamlessly. By adhering to best practices and avoiding common pitfalls, you can harness the full potential of Compose and coroutines in your Android projects.

Start experimenting with these techniques in your apps today and elevate your Compose development skills to the next level!