Optimize State Changes with updateTransition in Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose has revolutionized Android UI development, offering a declarative approach that simplifies building dynamic and interactive user interfaces. One of its standout features is the updateTransition API, which helps manage state transitions with smooth animations. Understanding how to use updateTransition effectively can enhance your app's responsiveness and visual appeal.

This blog post explores updateTransition in depth, explaining its mechanics, best practices, and advanced use cases to optimize state changes in your Jetpack Compose applications.

What is updateTransition?

updateTransition is a Jetpack Compose API designed to animate between different states of a UI. It allows developers to define animations declaratively, making it easier to create smooth transitions between UI states. This is particularly useful when dealing with complex UI components that require coordinated animations.

Key Features of updateTransition:

  • State Management: Seamlessly animate between predefined states.

  • Declarative Syntax: Define animations alongside your composables for better code readability.

  • Coordination: Synchronize multiple animations within a single transition.

Getting Started with updateTransition

To begin, let’s look at a simple example of using updateTransition. Suppose you have a button that toggles between two states: expanded and collapsed.

Basic Example

fun ExpandableButton() {
    var isExpanded by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
    val transition = updateTransition(targetState = isExpanded, label = "ExpandableButtonTransition")

    val buttonWidth by transition.animateDp(
        transitionSpec = {
            tween(durationMillis = 300, easing = FastOutSlowInEasing)
        label = "ButtonWidthAnimation"
    ) { expanded ->
        if (expanded) 200.dp else 100.dp

        onClick = { isExpanded = !isExpanded },
        modifier = Modifier.width(buttonWidth)
    ) {
        Text(if (isExpanded) "Collapse" else "Expand")


  • updateTransition: Creates a transition object linked to the isExpanded state.

  • animateDp: Animates the button's width based on the current state.

  • tween: Specifies the animation duration and easing curve.

With just a few lines of code, you’ve created a button with a smooth width animation.

Advanced Use Cases for updateTransition

Coordinating Multiple Animations

When designing complex UI components, multiple properties may need to animate together. updateTransition simplifies this by synchronizing animations.

Example: Animating Size and Color

fun AnimatedBox() {
    var isActive by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
    val transition = updateTransition(targetState = isActive, label = "BoxTransition")

    val boxSize by transition.animateDp(label = "BoxSize") { active ->
        if (active) 150.dp else 100.dp

    val boxColor by transition.animateColor(label = "BoxColor") { active ->
        if (active) Color.Green else Color.Gray

        modifier = Modifier
            .clickable { isActive = !isActive }

This approach ensures the size and color animations stay in sync, creating a cohesive transition.

Animating Complex UI States

In real-world applications, you may need to animate between more than two states. For instance, a loading indicator might have idle, loading, and completed states.

Example: Multi-State Transition

fun LoadingIndicator(state: LoadingState) {
    val transition = updateTransition(targetState = state, label = "LoadingTransition")

    val alpha by transition.animateFloat(label = "AlphaAnimation") {
        when (it) {
            LoadingState.Idle -> 0f
            LoadingState.Loading -> 1f
            LoadingState.Completed -> 0.5f

    val color by transition.animateColor(label = "ColorAnimation") {
        when (it) {
            LoadingState.Idle -> Color.Gray
            LoadingState.Loading -> Color.Blue
            LoadingState.Completed -> Color.Green

        modifier = Modifier

enum class LoadingState { Idle, Loading, Completed }

This example demonstrates how updateTransition adapts to multiple state transitions seamlessly.

Best Practices for Using updateTransition

  1. Use Semantic Labels: Always provide meaningful labels for animations to improve debugging and maintainability.

  2. Leverage Transition Specs: Customize animations with tween, spring, or keyframes to match your design requirements.

  3. Optimize Performance: Avoid animating unnecessary properties to minimize recompositions and maintain smooth performance.

  4. Test Responsiveness: Test animations on different devices to ensure they perform well across screen sizes and refresh rates.

  5. Combine with State-Hoisting: Keep state management at a higher level to simplify the animation logic.

Debugging Transitions

Compose provides tools to debug animations effectively. Use Animation Preview in Android Studio to visualize and refine your animations. Additionally, leverage logs or inspection tools to monitor state changes and animation values during runtime.


The updateTransition API is a powerful tool for creating smooth and coordinated state transitions in Jetpack Compose. By understanding its core concepts and exploring advanced use cases, you can elevate the user experience of your Android applications.

Start experimenting with updateTransition today and transform your UI designs with seamless animations. Let us know in the comments how you plan to use updateTransition in your next project!