How to use CheckBox in ColdFusion


In this tutorial, we will explore how to implement checkboxes using Adobe ColdFusion's <cfinput> tag within a form. Checkboxes are essential in web forms, allowing users to select one or multiple options. In ColdFusion, handling checkboxes efficiently is important for building dynamic, interactive forms. This guide will take you through a simple yet illustrative example to demonstrate how to work with checkboxes, capture user input, and process it using ColdFusion.

The example showcases a form where users can select their favorite colors from a list of options, using checkboxes to make multiple selections. When the form is submitted, the selected color values are processed and displayed back to the user, providing immediate feedback.

ColdFusion Form Structure

The core of this example is the <cfform> tag, which is used to create a form that can handle various types of input, including checkboxes. The form has a method set to POST, meaning the user’s input is sent to the server to be processed when the form is submitted. The form is given a name, InputTypeCheckBoxTest, which helps identify it if needed for JavaScript or further server-side interactions.

Within the form, an HTML table structure is used to organize the color options. Each color name is listed in one column, while the corresponding checkbox is placed in the next column. This provides a clean, easy-to-read layout for the user. The use of different colors in the text and background adds a touch of style, making the form more visually appealing.

Working with Checkboxes

Checkboxes are added using the ColdFusion <cfinput> tag with the type="checkbox" attribute. Each checkbox is assigned a name of "Color" and a value corresponding to a specific color, such as "Crimson" or "SeaGreen." When a checkbox is selected, the form passes the value associated with the selected checkbox to the ColdFusion server for processing.

One key thing to note is that when multiple checkboxes have the same name attribute, ColdFusion combines the selected values into a comma-separated list. This allows users to select multiple colors, and all the selected values are handled as a single input field on form submission.

Processing User Input

The server-side processing of the form begins with the cfif conditional block. This block checks whether the form has been submitted and whether any checkboxes have been selected. ColdFusion uses the IsDefined() function to check if the form fields "SubmitColors" (the submit button) and "Color" (the checkbox input) exist. If both are present, the cfoutput block is triggered, and the selected color(s) are displayed to the user.

ColdFusion retrieves the values of the selected checkboxes using the Form.Color variable. This variable contains the values of the checkboxes that were checked when the form was submitted. The selected values are then output within an HTML h3 element to give the user feedback on their selections.

Submission and Button Interaction

The form is submitted using a standard ColdFusion <cfinput> submit button, which has the name "SubmitColors" and is styled as a regular HTML submit button. When the user clicks this button, the form data is posted back to the ColdFusion server for processing. The interaction between the user and the form is seamless, with the server providing instant feedback on the selected colors once the form is submitted.


This tutorial demonstrated how to use checkboxes in ColdFusion by implementing a simple yet functional form that allows users to select their favorite colors. By leveraging the <cfinput> tag, ColdFusion makes it easy to create and manage checkbox inputs. The ability to handle multiple selections and process them server-side is essential for building user-friendly and interactive forms.

ColdFusion’s intuitive handling of form data, combined with its dynamic capabilities, makes it an excellent choice for web developers. Whether you're building a small interactive form or a more complex user interface, ColdFusion’s features help streamline development and enhance the user experience.


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>cfinput type checkbox: how to use input type checkbox in coldfusion</title>

<h2 style="color:SaddleBrown; font-style:italic">cfinput type checkbox example: how to use</h2>
<hr width="425" align="left" color="Gray" />
<br />

<cfif IsDefined("Form.SubmitColors") and IsDefined("Form.Color")>
  <h3 style="color:OrangeRed;">
         You choose: #Form.Color#

<cfform name="InputTypeCheckBoxTest" method="post" format="html">
 <table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="Orange">
         <td colspan="2" bgcolor="DeepPink" style="color:Snow; font-size:large" align="center">
             Favorite Colors?
         <td style="color:RosyBrown; font-weight:bold">
             <cfinput type="checkbox" name="Color" value="Crimson">
         <td style="color:RosyBrown; font-weight:bold">
             <cfinput type="checkbox" name="Color" value="DodgerBlue">
         <td style="color:RosyBrown; font-weight:bold">
             <cfinput type="checkbox" name="Color" value="SeaGreen">
         <td style="color:RosyBrown; font-weight:bold">
             <cfinput type="checkbox" name="Color" value="RosyBrown">
         <td colspan="2" align="right">
       <cfinput name="SubmitColors" type="submit" value="Submit">

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