Nested Scrolling in LazyColumn: A Practical Jetpack Compose Guide

Jetpack Compose, Google's modern toolkit for building native Android UIs, has revolutionized how developers create user interfaces. One of its most powerful components is the LazyColumn, which efficiently renders large datasets in a scrollable list. However, achieving smooth nested scrolling within a LazyColumn can be challenging, especially when integrating other scrollable components. This guide dives deep into nested scrolling in LazyColumn, exploring advanced techniques and best practices to ensure a seamless user experience.

Understanding Nested Scrolling in Jetpack Compose

Nested scrolling is a common pattern in modern app design, allowing users to scroll multiple nested scrollable containers. For instance, consider a scenario with a LazyColumn containing items, some of which include horizontally scrollable carousels or other vertically scrollable lists. To manage these interactions smoothly, Compose provides tools and APIs like NestedScrollConnection and NestedScrollDispatcher.

Compose's nested scrolling system ensures:

  • Coordinated scrolling between parent and child containers.

  • Smooth and predictable user interactions.

  • Proper gesture handling across nested scrollable components.

Let’s delve into how you can implement and optimize nested scrolling with LazyColumn.

Basic Setup: Nested Scrolling in LazyColumn

To demonstrate nested scrolling, let’s start with a straightforward example of a LazyColumn containing a horizontally scrollable Row.

fun NestedScrollExample() {
    LazyColumn(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
        items(10) { index ->
            Column(modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp)) {
                Text("Item $index", style = MaterialTheme.typography.h6)
                Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(8.dp))

fun HorizontalScrollableContent() {
        modifier = Modifier
    ) {
        repeat(10) {
                modifier = Modifier

In this example:

  • The LazyColumn is the parent scrollable container.

  • Each item contains a horizontally scrollable Row.

This setup works, but performance issues can arise when adding more complex nested scrollable components.

Advanced Techniques: Synchronized Nested Scrolling

While Compose’s default nested scrolling behavior works in most cases, you might need finer control for advanced use cases, such as:

  • Synchronizing scroll gestures between the parent and child components.

  • Customizing how scroll deltas propagate between nested scrollables.

Jetpack Compose offers the NestedScrollConnection and NestedScrollDispatcher APIs for these scenarios.

Implementing NestedScrollConnection

The NestedScrollConnection interface lets you intercept and respond to scroll events, allowing you to control how scroll deltas are distributed between parent and child.

Here’s an example of using NestedScrollConnection with a LazyColumn:

fun CustomNestedScrollExample() {
    val nestedScrollConnection = remember {
        object : NestedScrollConnection {
            override fun onPreScroll(
                available: Offset,
                source: NestedScrollSource
            ): Offset {
                // Intercept pre-scroll events if needed
                return Offset.Zero

            override fun onPostScroll(
                consumed: Offset,
                available: Offset,
                source: NestedScrollSource
            ): Offset {
                // Handle post-scroll events
                return Offset.Zero

        modifier = Modifier
    ) {
        items(20) { index ->
            Text("Item $index", modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp))

Key Points:

  • Use onPreScroll to handle gestures before they’re dispatched to child components.

  • Use onPostScroll to respond to scroll deltas after the child has consumed them.

Real-World Use Case: Nested Scrolling with Sticky Headers and Carousels

Let’s implement a more complex layout: a LazyColumn with sticky headers and nested horizontal carousels.

Code Example

fun StickyHeadersWithNestedScrolling() {
    val sections = listOf("Section 1", "Section 2", "Section 3")

    LazyColumn(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
        sections.forEach { section ->
            stickyHeader {
                    text = section,
                    style = MaterialTheme.typography.h5,
                    modifier = Modifier

            items(5) { itemIndex ->

This example uses:

  • stickyHeader for persistent headers.

  • HorizontalScrollableContent within each section.

Challenges and Optimization Tips

  1. Performance: Use remember to cache scroll states and avoid recomposition.

    val scrollState = rememberScrollState()
  2. Gesture Coordination: Ensure the child scrollable doesn’t capture gestures meant for the parent.

  3. Testing: Use ComposeTestRule to verify gesture behaviors.

Best Practices for Nested Scrolling in Jetpack Compose

  1. Use Stable Keys: When using LazyColumn, assign stable keys to items to optimize recomposition.

    items(items, key = { }) { item ->
        // Item content
  2. Optimize for Large Datasets: Combine LazyColumn with paging libraries to load data incrementally.

  3. Smooth Animations: Use Modifier.animateContentSize() to animate size changes within scrollable components.

  4. Testing Nested Scrolling: Write integration tests to simulate complex scroll interactions using Compose’s test APIs.

    composeTestRule.onNodeWithText("Item 1").performScrollTo()


Nested scrolling in Jetpack Compose, while powerful, requires careful attention to detail to ensure a smooth user experience. By leveraging tools like NestedScrollConnection, LazyColumn, and best practices, you can build complex, performant UIs tailored to your app’s needs.

Whether you’re implementing sticky headers, carousels, or custom scroll behaviors, understanding the intricacies of Compose’s scrolling system is essential. Experiment with the techniques outlined in this guide to master nested scrolling in Jetpack Compose.