Effortlessly Add a BottomAppBar in Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose has revolutionized Android UI development with its declarative paradigm, allowing developers to build beautiful and efficient user interfaces with less boilerplate code. One of the most common UI elements in mobile apps is the BottomAppBar, often used to house navigation actions or shortcuts to key features. In this post, we’ll explore how to effortlessly add and customize a BottomAppBar in Jetpack Compose while adhering to best practices.

What is a BottomAppBar?

A BottomAppBar is a container located at the bottom of the screen. It typically holds:

  • Navigation icons: For opening navigation drawers or returning to previous screens.

  • Actions: Icons or buttons for app-specific functions.

  • FAB (Floating Action Button): A prominent button for the most important action.

In Jetpack Compose, the BottomAppBar is part of the Material library, aligning with Material Design principles.

Setting Up Your Environment

Before diving into the implementation, ensure your project is set up for Jetpack Compose. Update your build.gradle files with the latest dependencies:

dependencies {
    implementation "androidx.compose.material:material:1.x.x"
    implementation "androidx.compose.ui:ui:1.x.x"
    implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-compose:2.x.x"

Also, enable Jetpack Compose features in your module-level build.gradle:

android {
    buildFeatures {
        compose true
    composeOptions {
        kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion '1.x.x'

Adding a Basic BottomAppBar

To create a simple BottomAppBar, use the BottomAppBar composable provided by the Material library:

fun SimpleBottomAppBar() {
        backgroundColor = MaterialTheme.colors.primary
    ) {
        IconButton(onClick = { /* Handle navigation icon click */ }) {
            Icon(Icons.Default.Menu, contentDescription = "Menu")

        Spacer(Modifier.weight(1f, true))

        IconButton(onClick = { /* Handle action */ }) {
            Icon(Icons.Default.Search, contentDescription = "Search")


  • BottomAppBar: The container that holds your navigation and action items.

  • IconButton: Used for adding tappable icons.

  • Spacer: Creates flexible space between elements to align them properly.

Run this composable in a Scaffold to see it in action:

fun MyApp() {
        bottomBar = { SimpleBottomAppBar() }
    ) {
        // Main content goes here

Integrating a Floating Action Button (FAB)

The BottomAppBar works seamlessly with a FAB. Let’s enhance it:

fun BottomAppBarWithFAB() {
        floatingActionButton = {
            FloatingActionButton(onClick = { /* Handle FAB click */ }) {
                Icon(Icons.Default.Add, contentDescription = "Add")
        isFloatingActionButtonDocked = true,
        bottomBar = {
                cutoutShape = MaterialTheme.shapes.small
            ) {
                IconButton(onClick = { /* Handle navigation */ }) {
                    Icon(Icons.Default.Menu, contentDescription = "Menu")

                Spacer(Modifier.weight(1f, true))

                IconButton(onClick = { /* Handle search */ }) {
                    Icon(Icons.Default.Search, contentDescription = "Search")
    ) {
        // Content goes here

Key Features:

  • floatingActionButton: Defines the FAB.

  • isFloatingActionButtonDocked: Docks the FAB within the BottomAppBar.

  • cutoutShape: Creates a notch for the FAB.

Customizing the BottomAppBar

Customization is a crucial part of UI design. The BottomAppBar allows you to:

Change Colors

    backgroundColor = Color.Blue,
    contentColor = Color.White
) {
    // Content here

Add Elevation

    elevation = 8.dp
) {
    // Content here

Modify Shape

    shape = RoundedCornerShape(16.dp)
) {
    // Content here

Advanced Use Cases

Dynamic Actions

You can dynamically update the actions in the BottomAppBar based on app state:

fun DynamicBottomAppBar(showSearch: Boolean) {
    BottomAppBar {
        IconButton(onClick = { /* Handle menu */ }) {
            Icon(Icons.Default.Menu, contentDescription = "Menu")

        Spacer(Modifier.weight(1f, true))

        if (showSearch) {
            IconButton(onClick = { /* Handle search */ }) {
                Icon(Icons.Default.Search, contentDescription = "Search")

BottomAppBar with Navigation

Integrate with Navigation Compose to handle navigation effortlessly:

fun BottomAppBarWithNavigation(navController: NavController) {
    BottomAppBar {
        IconButton(onClick = { navController.navigate("home") }) {
            Icon(Icons.Default.Home, contentDescription = "Home")

        Spacer(Modifier.weight(1f, true))

        IconButton(onClick = { navController.navigate("settings") }) {
            Icon(Icons.Default.Settings, contentDescription = "Settings")

Best Practices for BottomAppBar

  1. Prioritize Usability: Ensure the most critical actions are easily accessible.

  2. Follow Material Guidelines: Stick to Material Design principles for consistency.

  3. Test Responsiveness: Verify behavior on different screen sizes and orientations.

  4. Optimize Performance: Avoid overloading the BottomAppBar with too many actions.

  5. Use Accessibility Labels: Provide meaningful contentDescription values for better accessibility.


Adding a BottomAppBar in Jetpack Compose is both straightforward and flexible, enabling you to create engaging, user-friendly designs effortlessly. By leveraging its customization options and seamless integration with other Compose components, you can build modern and efficient Android apps that stand out.

Experiment with the examples above to tailor the BottomAppBar to your app’s needs. With Jetpack Compose’s declarative power, the possibilities are endless!