Button transparent background with border
In some situations, android developers want to put a transparent background button in their app interface. Totally transparent background colored button can’t define the clicked area. So transparent button should have an opaque border color. It will render a solid color bordered button with a transparent background colored button widget.
This android app development tutorial will show, how can an android developer render a transparent background color button with an opaque colored border.
To achieve this widget, first, we put a Button widget in our XML layout file. Inside the Button tag, we have to put a property name background. The background property has a value that points to a drawable XML file.
The main code is located in this XML drawable file. It has a selector with an item. The item defines the button shape and background color. Simply we can put a solid white color here whose opacity is zero/full transparent. Also here we add a stroke with color and width values. The border color must be fully opaque so the button can specify its area.
Transparent background colored button with an opaque bordered button is a very important feature for an android app. But it is very easy to implement. The following code snippets and output image will help you to understand the full logic.
This android app development tutorial will show, how can an android developer render a transparent background color button with an opaque colored border.
To achieve this widget, first, we put a Button widget in our XML layout file. Inside the Button tag, we have to put a property name background. The background property has a value that points to a drawable XML file.
The main code is located in this XML drawable file. It has a selector with an item. The item defines the button shape and background color. Simply we can put a solid white color here whose opacity is zero/full transparent. Also here we add a stroke with color and width values. The border color must be fully opaque so the button can specify its area.
Transparent background colored button with an opaque bordered button is a very important feature for an android app. But it is very easy to implement. The following code snippets and output image will help you to understand the full logic.
activity_main.xml code snippet
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android:text="Button Background Transparent"
app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--button pressed state background color-->
<item android:state_pressed="true">
<shape android:shape="rectangle">
<!--apply button background transparent, full opacity-->
<solid android:color="#00ffffff"/>
<!--make button border solid color, nontransparent-->
<stroke android:color="#2196F3" android:width="2dp"/>
<corners android:radius="2dp"/>
<!--button default background color-->
<shape android:shape="rectangle">
<!--apply button background transparent, full opacity-->
<solid android:color="#00ffffff"/>
<!--make button border solid color, nontransparent-->
<stroke android:color="#3F51B5" android:width="2dp"/>
<corners android:radius="2dp"/>