How to use cfslider in ColdFusion


In ColdFusion, the cfslider tag provides an interactive way to work with range-based data, allowing developers to create a slider bar on a form. This tag is ideal for cases where users need to select a value within a range, such as adjusting brightness, setting volume, or—as in this example—rotating an image. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to use the cfslider tag within an HTML form in ColdFusion to control the rotation of an image, offering a smooth, user-friendly interface for adjusting the rotation angle dynamically.

The code demonstrates a practical implementation of cfslider, where users can slide to adjust an angle and view the image rotated to match their selection. This example highlights various attributes of cfslider that allow for customization, providing insights into integrating this feature seamlessly into a web application.

Setting Up the Page and Slider Defaults

To start, the code initializes the page structure with HTML and basic styling. A cfparam tag sets a default value for AngleSlider, ensuring that the form has a fallback value if the slider hasn't been adjusted. This is essential for preventing errors, as it defines a baseline angle of 0 degrees for rotation, making the page more robust.

A table structure organizes the page content, presenting a clear interface for the slider, the original image, and the dynamically rotated image. The structure uses HTML styling attributes to enhance readability, giving a colorful and visually engaging presentation to the user.

Creating the Slider Form with cfslider

Within the table, the cfform tag encapsulates the slider and submit button, defining a form named SliderTestForm. The cfslider tag itself is configured with several attributes: the name attribute gives it a unique identifier (AngleSlider), while the value attribute sets the default slider position at 180 degrees. The range attribute allows the user to select a value between 0 and 360 degrees, offering full-circle rotation.

The label and refreshlabel attributes display and dynamically update the selected value beside the slider, improving user feedback. Additionally, the width and height attributes control the slider’s size, making it more visible and accessible on the page. These options illustrate the customization capabilities of cfslider, allowing it to suit different design and functional requirements.

Adding a Submit Button

Following the slider, a cfinput tag creates a submit button labeled “RotateImage.” The button's styling attributes—such as height, width, font-size, and color—ensure it stands out, making it easy for users to apply the selected rotation. Upon submission, the form sends the selected AngleSlider value back to the server, where ColdFusion processes it to update the displayed image.

Displaying the Original and Rotated Images

In the table layout, two cells display the original and rotated versions of the image. The left cell shows the unmodified image, providing a reference point for the rotation effect. The right cell dynamically displays the image at the rotation angle selected by the slider.

The cfimage tag handles the rotation functionality. By setting action="rotate", the code rotates the specified image (in this case, "Butterfly8.jpg") according to the value in Form.AngleSlider. A second cfimage tag, with action="writetobrowser", renders the modified image directly on the page. This dynamic rendering allows users to see the rotation result immediately after submission, making the interaction feel seamless and responsive.


This tutorial illustrates how to leverage ColdFusion’s cfslider and cfimage tags to create an interactive image rotation tool. The cfslider tag enables precise value adjustments within a defined range, while the cfimage tag applies real-time changes to an image based on user input.

By implementing cfslider in this example, ColdFusion developers can enhance the interactivity of web applications, creating dynamic and engaging user experiences. The approach also demonstrates how ColdFusion simplifies handling visual elements on a webpage, empowering developers to achieve complex effects with minimal code.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>cfslider tag: how to use cfslider in coldfusion</title>

<h2 style="color:DeepPink; font-style:italic">cfslider tag example: how to use</h2>
<hr width="400" align="left" color="OrangeRed" />
<br />

<cfparam name="Form.AngleSlider" default="0">

<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="Orange">
    <tr valign="top" style="color:RosyBrown; font-weight:bold">
     <td colspan="2">
            <cfform name="SliderTestForm" method="post">
                    label="Value: " 
                    style="height:45px; width:150px; font-size:large; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; color:SeaGreen;"
    <tr bgcolor="OrangeRed" style="color:Snow; font-size:large" align="center">
         Original Image
         Image Rotate <cfoutput>#Form.AngleSlider#</cfoutput>
    <tr valign="top" style="color:RosyBrown; font-weight:bold">
         <img src="Images/Butterfly8.jpg"/>
            <cfimage action="rotate" angle="#Form.AngleSlider#" source="Images/Butterfly8.jpg" name="ModifiedImage">
            <cfimage action="writetobrowser" source="#ModifiedImage#">


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