QueryAddColumn() - add a column to a query with its value
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<title>QueryAddColumn function example: how to add a column to a query with its value</title>
<h2 style="color:HotPink">QueryAddColumn Function Example</h2>
<cfset qColor=QueryNew("ColorID, Name","Integer, VarChar")>
<cfset Temp=QueryAddRow(qColor,2)>
<cfset Temp=QuerySetCell(qColor,"ColorID",1,1)>
<cfset Temp=QuerySetCell(qColor,"Name","AliceBlue",1)>
<cfset Temp=QuerySetCell(qColor,"ColorID",2,2)>
<cfset Temp=QuerySetCell(qColor,"Name","AntiqueWhite",2)>
<cfdump var="#qColor#" label="qColor">
<cfset ColorValueArray=ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset ColorValueArray[1]="##F0F8FF">
<cfset ColorValueArray[2]="##FAEBD7">
<cfset Temp=QueryAddColumn(qColor,"Value","VarChar",ColorValueArray)>
<br /><br />
<cfdump var="#qColor#" label="qColor[after add column]">

- QueryAddRow() - add a specified number of empty rows to a query
- QueryNew() - create an empty query
- QuerySetCell() - set a cell to a value in a query object
- QuotedValueList() - get a delimited List from an executed query
- cfquery - delete data
- cfquery - insert data
- cfquery - update data
- cfquery - RecordCount
- cfquery - result attribute