CreateObject() - create a coldfusion object (type component)
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<title>CreateObject function example: how to create a coldfusion object (type component)</title>
<h2 style="color:Crimson">CreateObject Function Example: Component</h2>
<cfset MyObject=CreateObject("component","MyComponent")>
<b>MyObject.Sum(10,25):</b> #MyObject.Sum(10,25)#
<br /><br />
<cfdump var="#GetMetaData(MyObject)#" label="MyObject" >
<cfcomponent output="no" Author="Jones" displayname="Math">
<cffunction name="Sum" access="remote" returntype="numeric" description="Sum two numbers">
<cfargument name="Value1" type="numeric" required="yes">
<cfargument name="Value2" type="numeric" required="yes">
<cfset Sum=arguments.value1+arguments.value2>
<cfreturn Sum>
- Decrypt() - decrypt a string that is encrypted using a standard encryption technique
- GetComponentMetaData() - get meta data for a cfc
- DE() - escape any double-quotation marks in the parameter and wraps the result in double-quotation marks
- Evaluate() - evaluate one or more string expressions dynamically from left to right
- SetVariable() - set a variable with name and value