ColdFusion - How to catch exception and handle error

cftry and cfcatch - catch exception and handle error


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<title>cftry and cfcatch tag example: how to catch exception and handle error</title>

<h2 style="color:DodgerBlue">ColdFusion cftry and cfcatch example</h2>

 <!---Here i input wrong table name--->
 <cfquery name="qEmployee" datasource="cfdocexamples">
     SELECT * FROM Employeess
    <cfdump var="#qEmployee#">

    <cfcatch type="any">
         Error occured....<br /><br />
         Message: <b>#cfcatch.Message#</b><br />
            Detail: <b>#cfcatch.Detail#</b><br />
            Type: <b>#cfcatch.Type#</b><br />


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